Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 5 of Study Tour- Bangalore

Bangalore- The garden city was our last stop before we left for home. I woke up and walked to a hotel nearby for the breakfast. I had the best masala dosa so far. The bus came by from the other hotel and we put our luggage and all in it. We stopped at Lal Bagh. You cant leave bangalore without visiting Lal Bagh can you? Everyone who's been to Bangalore have been there. Some really old trees and green houses and a lake are the main attractions
In the picture shown to the right, there's something really interesting happening in the direction where my thumb is pointing. Yup, you guessed it.

There was also this old tree fossil which is about 20 million years old(shown left). We walked around some more before finally coming back to the bus. After two hours in traffic we finally came to a street full of shops. Lunch was from KFC and the girls went on  a shopping spree. I bought a small jute bag for my sister and some sweets. By 5:00 pm we got back on the bus and headed home. We should have reached the college by 10 am the next morning but as we found out, things dont always go as planned. We stopped for dinner at a hotel inside a gas station and after which i met my uncle by the roadside as previously arranged. He had a package of flowers that he wanted me to give to a church to be used in the holy mass the next evening. Everything was going according to plan until 5:30 am in the morning. We had reached Thrissur. The roads were so bad and there was a small bridge that had to crossed, in view of the risk, the vehicles were restricted resulting in a very long queue. In other words we were stuck. And it was hell. Nothing to do except sit on the bus waiting for the line to move. Moreover it was a rural area with only some small teashops and makeshift restaurants. We were going mad inside the bus. My uncle had also gifted me with  a box full of sweets for the whole group,which we ate and we waited. We got some chappatis from a small hotel and after some 5 hours of waiting we finally got moving. And i reached home by 10:00 pm 12 hours late,than planned.

The long wait to get moving....
Even this tiny snag at the very end could not dull our spirits. Because of what happened, i am sure we will all never forget this particular journey and our experiences. We can forever cherish these memories and reminisce them long after we've gone our separate ways...


1 comment:

  1. Wow... what a nice image. your blog is informative and helpful. thank you so much for give me proper information.
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കുട്ടിച്ചാത്തൻ, അയ്യപ്പൻ, ശാസ്താവ്.

ശബരിമലയിലെ അയ്യപ്പൻ സാക്ഷാൽ കുട്ടിച്ചാത്തൻ ആണെന്ന് പറയുമ്പോൾ തന്നെ നെറ്റിചുളിച്ചു “ഏഹ് എന്ത്?” എന്ന് ചോദിക്കുന്നവരായിരിക്കും നമ്മളിൽ പലരും...